Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Misunderstanding in Scotland

I have been traveling quite a bit this summer, and I thought I'd start out with a post about a funny miscommunication that happened a few days ago in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Me: "Have you been able to make it to any of the festival shows?"
Friendly Scottish Hotel Worker: "No, unfortunately I haven't."
Me: "Oh no, why not?"
FSHW: "Well, last week I was on vacation."
Me: "Oh, how nice!  Where did you go?"
FSHW: "I was in Motor."
Me: "...I'm sorry, where?"
FSHW: "Motor."
Me: "Hm, I don't think I have ever heard of that place..."
FSHW: "It's an island just south of Sicily."

It was then I realized that what I had been hearing as "Motor" was actually the island of "Malta."  Thankfully the friendly gentleman had a good sense of humor about it.  I guess the American-Scottish language barrier got the better of me!